Donated by its founder Ulrich Wünsch, SABAA every two years offers an art award to sub-Saharan African artists in the categories of painting, graphics, photography. The award is named "#ensemble".
2021 the theme of the award was "Pandemic Voices and Views".
2023 the theme was "ChangingClimate | Klima-Bilder".
More on the award, the artist involved and awarded, background on the theme can be found in the catalogues, published with each award and its exhibition.
The catalogue is available as a free download (pdf) below.
Alle Texte sind auf Deutsch und auf Englisch zu finden.
Please find all texts in German and English language below.
Unten finden sich weiterführende und erklärende Texte, den Katalog zur Ausstellung als kostenlosen Download sowie eine Link-Sammlung zur Ausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst von subsaharisch afrikanischen Künstler*innen zum Thema: "#Klimawandel".
Here you will find further and explanatory texts, the catalog to be downloaded for free, as well as a collection of links to the exhibition of contemporary art by sub-Saharan African artists* on the topic of "#ClimateChange".
#ensemble-2 Changing Climate | Klima-Bilder
Der Katalog: Alle Kunstwerke, Hintergrund-Texte, Ansichten und Einsichten
#ensemble-2 ChangingClimate | Klima-Bilder
The catalogue: All the images & artwork plus facts, explainers, essays, insights
#ensemble-1 Pandemic Voices and Views
Der Katalog: Alle Kunstwerke, Hintergrund-Texte, Ansichten und Einsichten
#ensemble-1 Pandemic Voices and Views
The catalogue: All the images & artwork plus facts, explainers, essays, insights
Kuratierte Link-Sammlungen zu Kunst in Subsahara Afrika
Some curated links on the subject of art in sub-Sahara Africa